Ceramic Clipper Blade Company

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2-hole blade slide for WAHL clippers now in stock!

About a year ago, I bought some Wahl 1919 clippers. They are absolutely beautiful and I use them every day, so I consider them money well spent, despite the exorbitant price tag.

As anyone who has the 1919s will know, however, you cannot zero gap them. I tried. I watched numerous YouTube videos, including one that explains how to modify the blade slide with a file. Ultimately, the best advice was to just go out and buy a two-hole blade slide to replace the three-hole one that comes as standard. “Easy enough,” I thought and set about looking for a two-hole blade slide…

A couple of hours later, I found one. In the US. It seems that there are certain Wahl parts that you can get in a heartbeat in the US, but are almost impossible to get hold of in the UK: the two-hole blade slide being one. 

So I bought it. It was literally the only place I could find one. It cost me £20. And another £5 in postage. And I had to wait 5 weeks for it. 

And the second it arrived, it realised I needed screws… The thing didn’t come with screws, of course. Cue another 4-week wait to get a slide that came with screws – I couldn’t buy them separately.

All in all, it was a nightmare. And not one I wanted to repeat. So, to cut a long story short, I wanted to find an alternative and make sure that we, at Ceramic Clipper Blade Company had an alternative to spending an arm and a leg in the US and waiting five weeks to receive the goods. 

So, we sourced a 2-hole blade slide that fits Wahl and compatible clippers and allows you to zero gap your blades simply and effectively.

Better than that, this two-hole blade slide comes with the screws you need and just drops straight in, replacing your three-hole or broken blade bracket. The taper lever screws straight in and it’s a good opportunity to tighten up the lever’s action while you’ve got the screwdriver out.

So if you need to get hold of a 2-hole blade bracket, don’t be like us and spend hours searching online, only to then spend weeks waiting to get hold of it. We have plenty in stock for dispatch same-day (and they cost a lot less than £20…)

You can find them in the shop.